There are many benefits of Catholic education. When it comes to making decisions about your children's education, it's best to consider these benefits as well as weigh the use of technology in the classroom.
How Catholic Education Can Help Encourage Faith
Catholic schools surpass charter and private schools in first post-Covid nationwide assessment
According to the National Catholic Educational Association, an assessment conducted on eighth-grade students showed that average scores for Catholic school students stayed 15 points higher than the public school cohort. Unfortunately, many children lost ground in their math and reading skills during the pandemic. Fortunately, students at religious institutions didn't fall as far behind as their counterparts in public education. Continue reading to learn more about the results of this recent national assessment and what it reveals about Catholic education.
Why There's No Learning Loss in Catholic Schools
What skills do children learn in Catholic Schools?
According to the Council for American Private Education (CAPE), the United States has 34,576 private education institutions catering to 5.7 million PK-12 learners. These learning centers cover 25% of all schools in the country and account for 10% of all PK-12 students. The good news is that the decision of where and how you desire your child to be educated is yours, as his or her parent. If the Catholic faith is something important for you to pass along to your child, then you might consider enrolling your child in a Catholic school. But there are many other benefits to Catholic education as well!
When should you send your child to preschool?
As a parent, you want what is best for your child, and their education is no exception. You may be wondering when the right time to send your little one off to preschool is. Let’s go over a few factors you should consider when deciding whether your child is ready for the start of their academic journey.
What does Classical Education offer students?
In today's world, families are overwhelmed by the number of educational approaches and options that are available for their children. How do they know which is best for their child's development? Classical education provides your child with the training and knowledge they need to be successful in the world. It mirrors the natural development of the human mind. The classical approach, or Trivium, divides the stages of learning into three parts: grammatical, logical, or dialectical, and rhetorical. Classical education offers your child many advantages, so let's review them.
Reasons Why a Catholic Classical School Is the Best Option for Your Child
When choosing a school for your child, you want to make sure you're making the best decision possible. Catholic schools can offer many advantages over other types of schools, and it's worth considering if you're looking for a safe and nurturing environment for your child to learn and grow. Here are some reasons why a Catholic school might be the best option for your family.
Catholic Education Benefits You'll See Quickly
Some parents are conflicted when deciding where to send their children to Catholic school. These schools offer values and principles that the child will benefit from in the future, and they're the best way to shape their worldview. Catholic schools primarily focus on holistic education. It facilitates a system that addresses the needs of children and emphasizes their strengths.
The Resurgence of Classical Education
According to the Pew Research Center, there are over 51 million Catholics in the United States, accounting for about one-fifth of the entire U.S. population. Below are some ways the resurgence of classical education in Catholic private schools is overcoming the perils of what often appears to be a culture in decline.